Jim has been working on the same lot every winter now for the past 3-4 years (we both lost track). If you have seen his videos, you will know it is because the trail has some very wet spots that are very resistant to freezing up. Moving water doesn't freeze well, even if it is a slow trickle. I would like to give you the wife's perspective on this problem.

Jim, over the past few years has made those wet spots better with the temporary bridges he has made and the ditches he has dug with the excavator. These measures have helped quite a bit, but the trail is still a perennial struggle. I think Jim is one of the rare ones who wants really cold weather, down into the single digits or lower. That is when the trail truly freezes and he can get to work. Mind you, he really does not like the cold because his hands freeze and he constantly struggles with cold hands. But he loves a good trail and to be able to really haul out some wood.

The mud holes "work the horses up" as Jim would say, and they do not want to settle down and walk and work sensibly. They just want to run, and that isn't good for anyone. How the horses work is very important to Jim. It brings him such joy when the horses settle down and just do their job. They are happiest that way as well.
And here's my perspective on that trail: it always takes longer to freeze than Jim thinks it will, and the wet spots are always more tencacious than Jim thinks they are. No matter what he tries. The other thing I know is that when it is frozen, Jim will work like a mad man to get as many logs out as he can before spring comes. He ususally has some sort of goal he wants to reach, and most always he and the horses make the goal (and often surpass it). In his line of work, both winter and summer, the weather is of utmost importance. And we know we are not in control of the weather, but that God is. Man can predict the weather but he certainly can't make it.
Yesterday afternoon, he took the excavator back down there and did some work on the trail. He dreaded doing it because it is a very slow moving vehicle and it took him a long time to get there (it's about a 3/4 mile from our house to the job and then the trail is another half mile). Since I like to walk, I drove the truck down to the landing and left it there and walked home. He was able to make some more ditches that will hopefully alleviate some of the the trail bog. Then after he walked out of the woods, he didn't have to walk all the way home since the truck was waiting for him. Last night it didn't get as cold as he'd hoped. It's amazing how just a little bit of snow also insulates and keeps those wet holes from freezing up. It will get there, but just not as quickly as we wish for. This all just teaches us patience, one of the hardest lessons to learn. Once posessed, there is less stress!

We are not alone in the waiting though. It seems that he whole world is working on patience as we wait for this pandemic to pass. When patience is posessed, it does a person good. Imagine what it might do for the whole world!
I appreciate getting your view. I'll tell you what I hear, when I read it. I see a good wife helping out to make her husband's day a little better AND taking time out of your schedule. We're just west of Ontario, Canada in Manitoba and even our weather has been has been a lot warmer. thxs for taking time to share with all of us
Your Blog is nicely done and does add another prospective. I was a little worried as you hadn't published in a while. Is there a notification "bell" for your blog?
Yes Brenda it has been quite a year in a lot of ways. Up here in Ontario, we too are experiencing a relatively "mild" winter although it is supposed to get more seasonal the next week or so. It was 34 degrees up in Igualuit (artic) yesterday. I can fully understand
Jim's frustration. It all averages out, at some point. You folks take care and stay safe.