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Life is Full of Ups and Downs

Writer's picture: Brenda GordonBrenda Gordon

Updated: Apr 22, 2023

Sometimes you don't appreciate things until they are gone. That's how I felt about my clothesline this spring after the post that held it up toppled over. Hanging clothes on the line is one of my favorite chores. It gets me out of the house and into the beautiful sunshine. I have a garden in the back, so my eyes can catch glimpses of it as I get the task done. When I look out my kitchen window, the clothesline was always in view and serves as a perch for the returning Phoebe bird, giving me entertainment as I do the dishes. I spied him trying to find a new place to rest, and I missed seeing him in his regular spot.

So I began to ask Jim if he could possibly help me get the line back up. He had just told me how he didn't know how he was going to accomplish everything that he had on his plate to do. But he took time from his busy schedule to help me get one up, (without complaining, I might add). We have a tree in the corner of our yard and Jim decided this tree would be a good place to hang the line from. My job was to be the runner...first to the hardware store for parts, then for tools and ladders. Quite a few trips, because sometimes I brought the wrong tools. It turned out to be good exercise :).

Jim climbed to the top of the ladder, then off the ladder to get to a better branch. I held my breath, and voiced a warning an unheeded warning. Jim was able to secure the line on the branch he desired, and things were looking good. I had a nice pulley clothesline!

But then it came time to test out the line, so I loaded it up. I had washed our bedding, including the bedspread and it was quite a heavy load. Next thing we knew, everything was on the ground! The knot did not hold with all that weight. I'm pleased to report that time and many previous similar experiences of failed attempts at many things helped us both to maintain our cool. We were using an old line that needed a knot snugged up. Once that was done, we were back in business.

How wonderful to bring in wind and sun dried clothes that carry with them the scent of the earth they hung in! I'm not sure why I decided to photo document this event, but it was such a beautiful day, and I wanted to share a snapshot of our quiet life in the country. It's the little things in life that can bring lots of joy. I appreciate my husband who was willing to share some of his precious time to do this for me.

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Aug 01, 2022

Oh i love my clothline too. I had my husband set one up for me , i grew up in germany and we always hung our laundry out to dry. Love your videos and stories . Thank you for sharing .


May 28, 2022

When I lived in Phoenix, we hung up laundry outside. Once you hung it up you just start over and take them off they dried so quickly in the Summer. It does smell better and cost less.

Love all of your stuff and info.


Mar 12, 2022

or you could just (PAY) THE ELECTRIC COMPY & and get your fragrance from a BOX.

NO, I like your way better.


John Blaha
John Blaha
Sep 14, 2021

That reminds me of the Amish Clotheslines. Jim could have attached it to a High Electric Pole with a Large Polly off the side or off the barn and then Your Clothes would go up at a High angle and it would be perfect for drying clothes.

I think how the Amish & Medinites wash their clothes is so Beautiful and Amazing. I enjoy ALL the Video's of Your Girls, Jim and Yourself. But we never get to meet your son in none of the YouTube Video's.

And Your Husband(Jim) says it must be really hard to live with someone like him. I don't see how. Because I think it could be such a Learning Experience everyday. He is a…


chad fish1077
chad fish1077
Sep 02, 2021

I had a clothes line built of pipe which was on the list of things to take down. The girls rode past the kitchen window on Lucy our Belgium mare laughing as they went .. then screams. I rushed from the kitchen to find the wire clothes lines had caught Lucy just about right and she dug in and pulled the whole kit and caboodle down. Everyone was alright, Girls were afraid they'd hurt her ... Lucy had a grin about her and I've used the dryer ever since. With a Febreze sheet of course.

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